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- 產品型號:SHZ-DIII
- 更新時間:2024-04-15
- 產品介紹:SHZ-DⅢ循環水真空泵,該泵為臺式,是在循環水多用真空泵的基礎上,根據實驗室面積較小這一特點,參照日本臺式泵,一次性成型外殼,縮小體積改進而成,具有體積小,重量輕,外型美觀等特點,雙表、雙頭抽氣,四表四抽頭,雙面相同的多用真空泵,即便于教師直觀演示,學生亦可在任意一面開機、關機。
- 廠商性質:生產廠家
- 在線留言
| SHZ-DⅢ 該泵是在循環水多用真空泵的基礎上,根據實驗室面積較小這一特點,參照日本臺式泵,一次性成型外殼,縮小體積改進而成,具有體積小,重量輕,外型美觀等特點,雙表、雙頭抽氣,四表四抽頭,雙面相同的多用真空泵,即便于教師直觀演示,學生亦可在任意一面開機、關機。 (1)本機采用雙抽頭,可單獨或并聯使用裝有兩個真空表。 (2)新改進防腐四抽頭,可單獨或并聯使用裝有四個真空表。 (3)主機采用不銹鋼機芯和防腐材質機芯兩種型號制造。 (4)耐腐蝕、無污染、噪音低、移動方便,還可根據用戶需要加裝真空調節閥。 (5)可同時有四名學生進行化學實驗,縮小實驗空間。 The pump is made on the basis of circulating water multi purpose vacuum pump, and in view of the small space of the lab, and with reference to the Japan -made bench-type pump, made with reduced size and improvement, and adopting one-shot forming, it has the feature of small size, light weight and beautiful appearance and so on, it has double-size-double- tap air extracting, 4-size-4-tap , identical dual size multi purpose vacuum pump. While the teacher is demonstrating, students can also turning on or off the machine on any size of it. 1. It adopts dual taps, can be used independently or in parallel combination, with 2 vacuum meters. 2. Newly improved anticorrosion four taps can be used independently or in parallel combination, with 4 vacuum meters. 3. The host machine has two models; one is made with stainless steel module and the other with anticorrosion materials. 4. It is corrosion resistant, pollution free and with low noise, and easy to move, also, vacuum-adjusting valve can be added according to the needs of customers. 5. Four students can conduct chemical experiments simultaneously, reducing experiment space. |
![]() ![]() ④SHZ-DⅢ型透明水箱臺式不銹鋼 ⑤SHZ-ⅢA型不銹鋼臺式 | |
該泵是在循環水多用真空泵的基礎上,根據實驗室面積較小這一特點,改進透明防腐水箱,防腐殼和不銹鋼外殼多種型號,縮小體積改進而成,具有體積小,重量輕,外型美觀等特點,雙表、雙頭抽氣,并設有加冰孔。 |
規格型號 | 功率 | 工作電源 | 流量 | 機體材質 | 揚程 | 大 | 單頭 | 抽氣 | 儲水 | 外表尺寸 |
W | V/HZ | L/min | M | 真空度 | 抽氣量 | 頭數(個) | 箱容積 L | D*W*H(mm) | ||
SHB-III | 180 | ~220/50 | 60 | 防腐 | 12 | 0.098mpa | 10L/min | 2 | 15 | 422×306×480 |
SHZ-D(Ⅲ) | 180 | ~220/50 | 60 | 防腐 | 8 | 2 | 15 | 400×280×420 | ||
SHZ-D(Ⅲ) | 370 | ~220/50 | 60 | 1Cr18 | 8 | 2 | 15 | 400×280×420 | ||
SHZ-ⅢA | 180 | ~220/50 | 60 | 1Cr18 | 8 | 2 | 15 | 400×280×420 | ||
SHZ-D(Ⅲ)透明水箱 | 180 | ~220/50 | 60 | 1Cr18 | 8 | 2 | 15 | 400×280×420 | ||
SHZ-CD | 370W | 220V/50Hz | 80L/min | 1cr18 | 12 | 5 | 50 | 450×340×790 | ||
SHZ-CB | 370W | 220V/50Hz | 80L/min | 聚丙Plastic | 12 | 3 | 50 | 450×340×790 | ||
SHZ-C | 370W | 220V/50Hz | 80L/min | 1cr18 | 12 | 5 | 50 | 450×340×870 | ||
SHZ-C | 370W | 220V/50Hz | 80L/min | 加強聚丙 | 12 | 3 | 50 | 450×340×870 | ||
SHZ-CA | 370W | 220V/50Hz | 80L/min | 防腐 | 12 | 3 | 45 | 450×340×840 | ||
SHZ-95B | 370W | 220V/50Hz | 80L/min | 防腐 | 12 | 5 | 50 | 450×340×840 | ||
SHZ-2000 | 370×2 | 220V/50Hz | 80×2L/min | 1cr18 | 12 | 10 | 60 | 540×350×870 | ||
:、60410969 客服在線: |